To analyze the AWR reports we need to pull reports:
For both good and bad times i.e. we need reports
when database was behaving bad and also when it was good.
Pull AWR reports only for the timelines for
which it is required. For example when we are analyzing a performance
bottleneck just pull the report for only that time when that bottleneck
Few terms which we
need to be aware of:
AWR – Automatic
workload repository.
At regular intervals, the Oracle Database makes a snapshot
of all of its vital statistics and workload information and stores them in the
Oracle RAC – Oracle
real applications clusters.
To understand this we first need to understand Oracle
database structure.
Suppose we have only 2 layers one is application layer
consisting of all the application which uses database services and second layer
is Oracle data base layer as shown below.
Here different applications are directly interacting with
the database layer for database operations.
Now Oracle database layers consists of two items
Files (This is the actual database)
Processes (also called instances)
Now in a Non RAC environment one software instance is
talking to the oracle database. As shown above.
But is a RAC environment two or more software instance talk to
single database. As shown below.
3) Hard parse and soft parse
Hard parse – Whenever a new SQL statement is passed to
Oracle data base which is not there in shared pool, it perform number of steps
to execute it. The steps are Load the SQL code into RAM -> Parse the
statement for syntax -> Semantic parse -> Transform the query into
simpler one -> Optimize the query -> Create a executable file -> retrieve
parse – In this case statement received by oracle is already present is shared
pool. So there is no need to load the same into RAM.
Now to the point.
Sections to look in AWR report:
Top 5
Timed Foreground Events
SQL Statistics:
These statistics are easy to understand. Nomenclature of each section is pretty
much self explanatory.
We can click on any SQL id and get details of the particular query
which was executed.
system statistics details
Hello Keshav,
ReplyDeleteThe Article on Oracle AWR - From performance testing perspective give detailed information about it. Thanks for Sharing the information about the Oracle AWR - From performance testing perspective. For More information check the detail on the Performance Testing here,Software Testing Services